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*squeals happily* AURON!!!
Auron: :therock: Yevon have mercy, what did I do to deserve this?!

Mmm, yeah, text weird, but piccie GOOD! Text white, hard to see...Auron GOOD!
Auron: Knock it off already!

Size good, but the text [i]is[/i] getting lost in there. Depending on the program, pop a shadow on the text, if you can. The easiest way is to make a black colored version of the text, then move it behind the white text.

Auron! ^^
Auron: ....
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SEPHY! (Did I mention that Sephiroth is one of my [i]other[/i] (past) obsessions?)

I've seen the pic for the second one, so it's...ok. The first one is awesome though, I've saved that little sucker to my hard drive. I'm debating if it needs text or not, you don't really want to destroy the effect it has.
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