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Heartless Me

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Now this is an interesting game concept that I have never tried before and I'm not sure how many people will like it. Basically you can make any character type you want. However, when it is finished and everyone is ready to start each person will choose another players character(first come first serve basis) and instead of playing their own character they will play the character they have chosen from their respective others.

The world is basically one where everything and anything can and does exist. Dragons battle gundams and ninjas ride super-bikes. Psionics and Magic are a commonplace thing in this world. The planet itself is HUGE with a plethora of continants, Islands and secret "realms" to explore. The known world is ruled by a human male named Xavier PenMuth III, he attained the realm after his mother, father and 4 brothers died "mysteriously" within a course of 3 years. He is a ruthless man and many an innocent soul has been put to death for resisting his rule. He is guarded closely by his personal royal elite guard consisting of four men and a woman. Ikthak, a lizard man dragoon with a mithril pike; Damien Skull, a Death Knight with very disturbing abilities; Fenn Linn, An oriental swordsman trained in the Daisho(2 sword) technique; Uld Pheran, A wizard and his royal advisor his full power is unknown even to Xavier; and finally Daria, a fallen angel which he overcame and soul bound to himself forcing it to serve his will for eternity. All of the other "rulers" before him have been conquered, those who have surrendered were allowed nobility status and allowed to own their land to an extent, those who did not, were murdered brutally. Those who surrendered were the other humans, the lizardmen, the elve's, the gnomes, and the intelligent undead. He has called a truce with the dragonkind and the AI(sentient machines) though they neither serve the king nor war with him, they recognize their own agendas and leave them be.

Well that's about all we need to know about the world in itself. Here is everything you need to know about the character sheet.

-Nickname-(if applicable)
-Race only restrictions is no full blooded gods. lol.
-Class(es)-2 classes, a main and a secondary
-Physical Desc.
-Personality-Try to go indepth here

-Class Abilities
-Magic Types-Max 4 if magic-type class, 2 if Suto(magi-warrior), 1 if non magic classed.
-Spells-2 spells per magic type.
-Psionic Abilities-8 powers if psi-classed, 1 power if not psi classed
-Special Abilities/Traits
-Strong Attributes
-Weak Attributes
-Weaknesses-(you are expected to have at least one unless you make a generally weaker character.)

Equipment(don't go overboard and explain where all your equipment is going to be... don't expect to be able to hold a paragraphs worth of equipment on just your body unless it's all really tiny stuff.

With that done I hope I get a lot of sign ups! I'll be taking a max of 8 applications, more are accepted gratiously and I will decide who is in and who is out when teh sign up is finished. Happy typing!
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Name: Phoebe Silphy
Nickname: Lupetha (a.k.a. the Blue Phoenix)
Age: 22 (in bird years)
Race: Bird, Phoenix, Sorceress (depends on which form I'm in)
Classes: Magic (main in sorceress form), Psi (main in phoenix form)
Description: Lupetha has three forms, so she has three descriptions.
Bird: about 5 inches tall, sapphire blue in color. She has cute, blue eyes. Her wings are dark blue and short. She has a short fluffy purple tail.
Phoenix: about 13 feet tall, glowing sapphire blue in color. Her eyes are bluish purple and surprisingly pretty. She has a very long neck and a fairly long beak but still quite short. Her wings look like those of a swan, except blue. Her feet are bluish white and long. Her tail is like a peacock's only smaller and bluer.
Sorceress: about 5 feet tall, bluish-white in color. Her eyes are purple. Her appearance resembles that of a fox. Her hands look like that of a human. She wears two thick bracelets, one on each arm. They are dark blue in color. Lupetha is sometimes seen wearing a long blue robe. It looks like a bath robe. The sleeves seem too long for her... oh! Forgot her hair. It's long, straight, and aqua in color. She also has blue wings that look like that of her phoenix form.
Personality: Lupetha likes to show off. Sometimes. She is very kind to her friends and very mean to her enemies. She likes to plot revenge, and will stop at nothing to do it if necessary. When in her phoenix form, she can act as a beacon in the dark, since she can glow. In her bird form, she likes to sing. In her sorceress form, she loves to explore. All three forms are brave and are usually the first to go into battle.
Class abilities: see below
Magic types: Fire, Ice, Dark, Light
Fire: Fire Storm, Fire Bomb
Ice: Subzero Blizzard, Icicle Rain
Dark: Shadow (blocking the light), Sneak (turns invisible then attacks)
Light: Shining Star, Capture Beam
Psionic Abilities: ummm... telekinesis, ESP (almost!), tlelport, hypnosis, ummm... what else? the other four are more like spells, but they are: psyclone (a tornado-type attack), reflect shield, the ability to create (creating things by just thinking about it), some healing powers (not sure if that's a psionic ability)
Special traits: Has three forms (bird, phoenix, sorceress)
Strong attributes: anyone that doesn't use magic is almost no match for me
Weak attributes: if I lose my powers, it takes a long time to get them back...
Weakness: any non-magic attack
Equipment: none I know of in the Bird and Phoenix forms; in the sorceress form, a staff (it's small but still counts as a staff)

That's it! Hope you choose me for this RPG!!!
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