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Make your own character


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Guest Deranged Gerbil
he'd be called deranged gerbil, he's be pi$$ed off all the time, and he'd look like shinji does in my avatar, except he'd look like that all the time
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if i was to make a character hed have big *** hair and always say stuff like shibbyand i didnt no she was my cousin!!! and dude wheres my sandwich.he would always be eating,not just food but all kinds of stuff and never gain a pound! and he would fly around
beating up pll for no reason at all and on weekeneds he would
dj at local raves lol -JOE
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hed prob have all the powers n techniges of perfect cell(which is everyone tecknigues)but he will look like a saiyan (with a tail) n not ugly.hell be a perfect person to match n with humans.

when he powers up to his tremendous powers hell do nothing but fight n blow up things.

but n his lower powers hell act like goku with the ego of vegeta n frieza.
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Well, she'd be the char I always use in RPGs and stuff. Her name is Maxine Ananya she would have messy short blond hair, [COLOR=green]green[/COLOR] eyes and an evil grin. She would be a bit evil and always wer a black cloak. She would be from a race called the Soul Keepers who hate the Saiyansa but she is actually pretty ok. She would have more magical attacks than powerful and a black sword but she wouldn't be as good with it as Trunks is. Um.... discriptive ne?
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Guest Trotenks
thats boering all the teqniuqes hed have no weeknesss. That no fun. My would be Trotenks. Miria no trunks fused with gotenks. Thats my character
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well, his name would be oblivion, and he would look like [URL=http://www.geocities.com/topazwar/oblivion.jpg]this[/URL]! and he draws his energy from a stone located in his belt, which can morph shapes, into anything, even a hat :D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud_Strife [/i]
[B][B]If you could make your own character to be in the Dragonball Series, what would his name be, what would he look like, and what would he act like?[/B] [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]He'd look like any of my DBZ-related RPG characters..duh.[/SIZE]
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id call my character......eiother..satan:devil: .. or bob....bob would look like gohan does (when hes grown up) but with purple hair...and bagggy clothes...and satan ..well whut does he usually look like....:devil: :devil: :flaming:

btw..(dont think im that evil):angel: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime3/lil_hell4t1/supasatan.jpg[/url]

thats whut satan wud look like..(heheh i drew that)
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