Flash Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [I]A massive crash of thunder seemed to open the night sky above the Otakuboards plains, and so did the doorway to the Otaku Big Brother house.[/I] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/hereticflash/OBB2_House.gif[/IMG] [I]There it stood. The house. Magnificent and huge, a mansion for the competitors.[/I] [B]DeathKnight. SuperSayian. SS Trunks. liamc2. NeoCactuar. Foredaddy. Queen Asuka. Juuthena. Lady Katana. Faris. GinnyLyn. Duo Maxwell.[/B] [I]These are the competitors. All twelve of them, their luggage in hand, stand just outside the gates which lead into the Otaku Big Brother house. They'll be here quite awhile. They stand in line, still, until one of them takes the first step foward...[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny runs through the open door. "I'm hooooooooooo---" A fly, well, flies in her mouth and chokes her. "COUGH! Ah joy..." She spits it out and runs for the fridge to wash the taste out. Ginny then wanders around. "Hey, there's two double beds here...." She blinks at the possibilities and grins. (Ah, get your mind outta the gutter...for now. :p) Ginny flops on the big blue bed and claims it for her own, setting her 6" Auron and Shaun plushies on the pillows. [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 Liam wanders into the house, lugging a rather large and bulky suitcase. 'This place is huge...' [i]Liam walks in further, unsuspecting of the fact that he is about to trip over the front steps...[/i] 'I am not...' [i]Are too![/i] '...' Liam ignores the annoying person talking over the OBB intercom and walks into the house, throwing his bag onto the couch and wandering over to the fridge in the corner. 'Creepy intercom guy...sheesh talk about work place health and safety..' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny sits up at the sound of the intercom voice. "Oh no, oh no no no...no creepy guy is gonna be blah blah blahing in here!" [i]Wanna bet?[/i] Ginny stuffs her head beneath her double bed pillow and groaned. "Whaddaya want?" Silence. Ginny throws a pillow at the intercom--which doesn't hurt it. [i]I'm waaaaaaaaatching you....[/i] "EEEK!" [i]And so is everyone else![/i] "Oh my gosh what have I gotten myself into?" [i]*Evil laughter*[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoCactuar Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [i]NeoC wanders in the huge glass doors and looks around the magnificent house. He walks up to the kitchen across to the living room, and down into the Bedrooms and sees Ginny[/i] NeoC: Hey, how are you? I reckon this seems like a pretty cool place to spend the next three months... Or a week... [i]Looks at Ginny... ... .... ..... I call the other Double Bed!!!!!!!! Neo jumps on the Big green double bed and spreads out.[/i] NeoC: You know Ginny! Ginny: Yeah? NeoC: This bed looks kinda small for one person *Cough*MeyouQueen AsukaJuuthenaLadyKatanaFarisGinnyLynDuoMaxwell.........*Cough* ...*Silence* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny :therock:s NeoC. "You mentioned me twice." NeoC grins. "Goober." NeoC flings his stuff on the green bed and calls to her. "I was [i]kid[/i]ding." [i]Sure you were.[/i] "Is that--?" Liamc2 stands in the hallway. "Yup." Ginny puts her fav cd in her walkman and relaxes on her bed, listening.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoCactuar Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 NeoC: Once, twice, four times, what?s the difference? Anyway when are those other two guys going to get here? Neil & Ken, I heard they were the ones bringing the party. [i]Neo hears a loud music and looks to the door. He sees Neil & Ken both with strippers hanging off them on the back of a flatbed truck, with heavy rock playing behind them.[/i] Neo: *Shouting* Are you guys allowed to bring them in here!!!??? Ken: Ohhh... we were having so much fun... Neil: Oh well, guess we should get into the house Ken: Yah NeoC: Well um... welcome guys, bedrooms over there, kitchen there, and living room there. Not much too it. But well um... Kick back and have fun.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson][i]Ken walks into the house with a backpack and a suitcase. He takes a large wiff of "clean house" air and snorts. 3 people had gone in before him, but it was of no matter. The first door he happened to open was the restroom next to the Blue bedroom.[/i] Ken: Well. It's a nice restroom. With a fresh.. freshy smelly smell. [i]Ken shut the door, and unzipped his pants. It had been a long trip from his home, and his bladder was about to explode..[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duo Maxwell Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [i]Duo wanders into the house and notices the bean bag, sitting her stuff near one of the bedroom doors she plonks herself on the comfy green beanbag.[/i] Duo: well... how may more people are left... [i]Wriggles around getting comfy, but then decides to check out what was going on in one of the bedrooms grabbing her bags, she goes into the blue room surprised that she was the fourth to enter[/i] Duo: what's going on, is this some sort of convention? [i]Everyone in the room looks at her[/i] Duo: I haven't spilt chocolate milk all over myself again have I? [i]looks down at her top[/i] PHEW! Hi all [i]Waves energeticly[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny counts. "That makes one, two, three, four--" [i]FLUSH![/i] "Ahhhhhhhhhh...." And a door closes down the hall as Death Knight peeks his head into the blue bedroom. "...five..."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foredaddy Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 *KABOOM!!!! Lightning strikes as the man steps through the door* Foredaddy: "Um.... hello?" He continues walking around the mansion finding it to be quite the frickin bomb of a house. He eventually stumbles into the blue bedroom. Foredaddy: "Man I gotta ****." He goes for the bathroom and opens it. Death Kight: "AAAAA!" Foredaddy: "AAAAA!! oops.... um sorry!" "WEll I guess I better get comfortable." Foredaddy picks one of the blue beds closest to the bathroom. You just never know when you might have too. :devil: He throws his crap next to the bed and lies back with a brand new playboy. *unfolds the centerfold* "OOOOOH YEAH!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoda Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 Craig stumbles through the door, dropping his empty bottle of Vodka on the doorstep. He tries t pull his case through the door, but looses hs balance and tumbled backwards, landing at someone's feet. [B]Ken:[/B] Drunk again Craig? [B]Craig:[/B] You... know it. Had to... finish my uhh, supply before I entered the... the thing. [B]Ken:[/B] The house? [B]Craig:[/B] Yeah... him. [B]Comm. Voice:[/B] Very dissapointing Craig. Craig looked about the room, his slurred vision barely being able to focus on Ken, never mind the sorce of the myterious voice. Slowly he climbed to his feet, and grabbed his case once again. With [I]extreme[/I] concentration he managed to drag his case through the nearest door. [B]Ken:[/B] Uhh, Craig, that's the bathroom. [B]Craig:[/B] Where? [B]Ken:[/B] What your standing in. Craig slowly looked about the room, and managed to focus on a door near to him which had "W.C" written on it. [B]Craig:[/B] Ugh... sonnofa bítch. Craig trudged back out of the bathroom and made his way... eventually, into the greenroom. He tossed his case as hard as he could onto the single bed by the wall next to the double bed, the force of his throw knocking him off balance. He tumbled backwards, hitting his head on the wall. [B]Craig:[/B] Well... this is... a good start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kei Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=blue][i]Lady K walked into the house with all her luggage. It seemed like she moved her enitre room with her....which she practically did.[/i] LK: Helloooo? Anyone here? Intercom: Go to the Blue Room. LK: What the.... Who the.... :nervous: *starts backing away from the walls* Why do I feel like I've walked into Stephen King's [u]Rose Red[/u]? Anyway.... [i]She walked to the Blue Room and saw everyone spread out all over the beds.[/i] LK: How-dy, all. Everybody else: Ehhhh.... LK: :bluesweat What a warm reception...... [i]She threw her stuff on the bed closest to the door and flopped down on it. She pulled out a book she brought with her and started reading, wondering who else would show.[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foredaddy Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 Foredaddy: "You got a lot o crap there." Lady K: "I only brought the essentials." Foredaddy: "Well Id have to admit the kitchen sink was a tad too much." Lady K: "Yeah me too, but I wanted to be prepared." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kei Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=blue]Foredaddy: Hey, what's with the cat plushie? LK: Hey. You will leave the plushie be. I've had Kittsy since forever. He's my favorite. Foredaddy: "Kittsy?" :rotflmao: What kinda name is that? LK: A very good one! I'm warning you. Leave...the plushie....be. Foredaddy: Okay, understood. Plushie is off-limits. LK: Darn right. Hey, where'd he go? Ginny: Who brought the cat plushie? LK: :grumble: Forget it. *falls back on bed and continues reading* Be careful with him, okay Ginny? Ginny: 'Kay! Foredaddy: Hey, how come she gets off so easy?! LK: *hits Foredaddy with a pillow*[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foredaddy Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 Foredaddy: OW! Knock it off! I aint afraid to hit a girl. Lady K: *hits Foredaddy again* What was that? Foredaddy: oh man...... my head....... *falls asleep* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ken: Well. If Craig is drunk already... I should check on Neil. Ken briskly walked outside where Neil was in the pool with two strippers, along with two cans of the dreaded.. Red Bull. Sweatdropping slightly, Neil took a long sip from the Red Bull. Neil: Strippers n Red Bull. This wont be so bad after all. Ken: ..; [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny grins and hands Lady K her plushie back. "I know how you feel--I've got my favs here, too." [i]So who are we waiting on?[/i] "Ah, shouldn't the talking house know that?" Craig groaned as he rubbed his aching head. [i]Watch it.[/i] Ginny, ever the annoyingly resourceful one, takes stock: "SuperSayian, Queen Asuka, Juuthena, and Faris." "What's with the stupid girly giggling outside?" Everyone rushs to the pool, and Ginny groans. "Great. Wonderful. I'm gonna be corrupted before I know it." [i]Little too late for that, don't you think?[/i] :eek: "Methinks Big Brother knows too much already, heh..."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ken: Neil. Shouldnt you go inside and unpack before you hang out in the pool with strippers? Neil: No. [i]Ken shrugged and turned to see everyone there, staring at Neil.[/i] House: Neil. You shouldnt be doing that. Neil: ... The house is talking, Ken. Ken: Yea. I know. Neil: It's just like Red Rose.. Ken: Well. Er. Neil: THE HOUSE IS DEMONIZED! BURN IT DOWN! Ken: Neil. The house [i]isnt[/i] demonized. Its suppose to talk. Neil: Oh. Well. Back to my strippers. Strippers: *giggle* Ken: .. House: Neil, You shouldnt have strippers here. Neil: Shhhhh.. *grins at one of the strippers*[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GinnyLyn Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Ginny debates between tossing the strippers out and just ignoring them. Lightning strikes from out of nowhere, vaporizing the strippers (leaving the pool and Neil remarkably intact). [i]Problem solved.[/i] Ginny gapes. "Remind me never to piss the talking house off..." [i]If you don't want to, then stop calling me a talking house![/i] "TALKING HOUSE!" someone hollers. [i][b]QUIT IT![/b][/i] "Okay, we'll stop." Lady K smiles. "How about Red Rose? Rosey for short?" The intercom voice groans quietly.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Neil: THE HOUSE TOOK AWAY MY STRIPPERS! BURN IT DOWN! Ken: Oh for the love of.. Neil: But it didnt take my Red Bull away. *takes a long sip* Muahahah. Ken: *turns on loud heavy metal and lays down on the grass* Neil: *continues debating if he should burn the house down, or destroy it slowly..*[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liamc2 Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 Liam: *takes another sip from the can in his hand* Where's the TV? [i]There is no tv, you've been locked in here with all connections cut offf from the outside world[/i] Liam: welllll what's going to entertain us then? [i]....[/i] Liam: *peers at one of the two way mirrors* Can any of you guys in there sing? *taps glass* [i]Quit tapping the glass![/i] Liam: *grins* *taps the glass some more* [i]I'm warning you...[/i] Liam: well...sing something then..I'm bored! *takes another sip* [i]Fine then...*sigh*...ten green bottles sitting on the wall..if one green bottle should accidentally fall...[/i] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kei Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=blue]LK: *throws a pillow at the nearest intercom* Stop it! That's worse than "It's A Small World After All." *shudders at horrible Disneyland memories* Intercom: Well, what would you think would be appropriate? Neil: "Tear The Roof Off!" Intercom: I'll pretend I didn't hear that.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted October 15, 2002 Share Posted October 15, 2002 [color=crimson]Neil: I could.. Blow it up messily... But I do that alot.. *places hand on chin* Hmmm... Ken: Why dont you just rip it apart with a chain saw? [i]Dont give him ideas.[/i] Ken: Whoa. This is worst than [i]Field of Dreams[/i]. Do that "If you build it they will come" thing. [i]No. Just no.[/i] Ken: Neil, you could.. [i]Alright, Alright, Alright.. *sighs*... *AHEM AHEM* ~ If you build it, they... will come. ~ Satisfied?[/i] Ken: Is that the BEST you can do? [i]..[/i][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juu Posted October 16, 2002 Share Posted October 16, 2002 [color=deeppink] [size=1]A familiar girl walks up to the door, trying to figure out whether she should knock or not.. Shrugging, she opens the door. Her eyes grew large as she saw the inside... "omg... now [i]this[/i] is what I call a house!" She exclaimed, glancing around at the walls. "Just one thing missing..." She walked towards the kitchen, still glancing around at her surroundings. She smiled as she saw a large refridgerator against the wall. She swung the door open, to hear a loud 'slam' as she did. She looked behind the refridgerator to see a person behind it... ^^;;; "uum... I..think I'll go find my room now... ^^;;;" She said, picking up her bags and running towards the blue room. She glanced around and walked inside. "aww... I hope all the blue beds are taken.." She said, putting down her bags. "soo... what's going on?" Just then, Neil and Ken run across the room with chainsaws. "er... I'm not even gonna ask.."[/color] [/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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