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Otaku Big Brother II


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[color=crimson]Ginny vacuums the blue room, then pauses for a break, and peeks into the kitchen. "Lady K?"
"What kinda chores are we gonna give the final two people we are waiting on?"
"We'll get to that when we get to that. Can I have the magic spatula now?"
"Sure, dunno why I had it in the first place."
Ginny walks back to the blue room, when she hears the intercom muttering.
[i]Lousy little players, stuffing [/i]my[i]intercom with pillows! I'm gonna really let 'em have it for that.[/i]
The vacuum Ginny was using begins to move on its own, revving loudly as it rolls toward Ginny.
With a yawn of indifference, Ginny yanks the cord and the vacuum dies with a sputter.
"Are you really that bored?"[/color]
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Liam: *eyes the munched on Mr P* hmm...I wonder...

[b] Five minutes later involving evil and the OBB house blender[/b]

Liam: Wala! Pineapple juice a la mutant evil Pineapple!

[i]Liam presents a pitcher of tropical juice complete with two glowing evil eyes floating around inside[/i]

LK: I sincerely hope that that isn't the best you can do o.O

Ken: *pours a glass* :gulp: s'good, the eyes give it a crunch..bit of flavour in 'em too..

Neil: gimme some..*pours a glass* :gulp: .... hey...I didn't get any eyes..*eyes Ken enviously* gimme one of yours..:demon:

Liam: ... *drinks a glass also* zestah fruitieness...*cough* *spits an eye back into his glass*
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[color=crimson][size=1][i]She walks out of her room, finally making an appearance. Her hair is all prettified and she's wearing a white silk dress. A diamond tiara sparkles upon her head. She walks past everyone, and they just sort of look at her quietly.[/i]

[b]Asuka:[/b] Hey, did I tell you guys that [i]I[/i] was the Queen of Plushies? I'm not joking. See, they come to me...

[i]She waved her arm and everyone noticed she was holding a crystal rod of sorts. When she twirled it, plushies started coming out of all nooks and crannies in the house.[/i]

[b]Asuka:[/b] Yes, I am strange. And yes, I am finally letting you see me.

[i]She smiles brightly and then sits down.[/i][/color][/size]
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And thus western civilization crumbles. I post.

[Skipping the dishes for now, Neil runs out back, where earlier a truck was heard backing up. Several dimensional adjustments later, Neil's stereo was in place. God help you all. Over 9000 MHz speakers, surround sound, and a lifetime of songs to play, this would prove to be interesting.

Now, everyone was enjoying New Skin with an extra 100 decibles of bass, as they continued on with the meeting.]

[b]Neil:[/b] I have an extraordinary ability to transform...into certain blonde, black, black and red, and silver colored-hair versions of myself...my eyes change color too. Ten bucks to the person that guesses what I mean.

[b]Ken:[/b] You go Super Saiya--

[A fiery blast of ki suddenly engulfed Ken, as he now silently roasted in his seat.]

[b]Neil:[/b] ...Anyone else wanna take a stab at it? *forms a sword of pure necromatic energy in his right hand and twirls it around once*
Oh yeah, can someone help me? I can only see Otaku Arena...-_-;;;
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[color=crimson]Thats all you can see cause your in BB, bro. Lol.

Ken: *roasted*.. Dude. Well. I was right, wasnt I?


Ken: *super roasted* Alright. Right on. .. .. Ow.

Aeris Plushie: Oh my. o_o;

Neil: Talking plushie.. *raises hand*

Ken: NOT THE PLUSHIE *jumps infront of Aeris as he is hit by ki again*
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[color=crimson]"Ok, this is getting weird, I'm going to the hot tub," Ginny says.
There's a few moments of silence followed by a shriek of rage.[/color]
[color=green]"All right, who filled the hot tub with lime Jell-O?!?"
Ginny stomps back into view, completely green. [/color]
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]"Jell....o??"

Juu walks forward to the hot tub. She scrapes her finger through the jello and puts it in her mouth. "ooo~ Jellowy" ^-^

Foredaddy walks up, and picks up a handful of Jello.

"ey.. not bad!" He says, reaching for another handful.

Ginny bends down and looks at it as well. "b-b-but... the hot..tub... T_T"

"Who's stupid enough to fill the hot tub with... lime jello????" Lady K says, raising an eyebrow.

She turns back and looks at Ken and Neil. Ginny steps up and crosses her arms, looking at them as well.

"you guys...."

Neil points to Ken, and smiles innocently. "His idea."

Ken puts a hand behind his head, and backs away from the group. The two dash away, running back inside.

"GET BACK HERE!!!!" Ginny exclaims, waving her spatula in hand...[/color] [/size]
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[color=green]"As soon as I shower back to my normal skin color, you are SOOOO in for it!!!" Ginny hollers after Ken and Neil.
[i]Whee hee, another shower time.[/i]
Ginny looks bothered. "Are you playing on our paranoia?!"
[i]Maybe. What do you think?[/i]
Ginny whimpers. "I get paranoid very easily. Don't DO that!!!"
The intercom chuckles darkly. [i]Do you want to know what I do when you are all sleep?[/i]
Ginny stifles a shriek and decides to stay green for the moment. "Ken, Neil, get BACK here! I'm not gonna construct any more life size stripper statues out of Red Bull cans if you're gonna abuse the artist!"
[i]Look, just go take your shower.[/i]
"How do I know you won't be looking?"
[i]I can only watch one thing at a time...[/i]
Tiny, familiar laughter is heard in the hallway as, in the kitchen, a butcher knife clatters to the ground.
"The plushies are possessed again," Faris calls in a decidely bored manner.
A tiny revving noise joins the malevolent laughter. The plushies begin to chase after Ken and Neil with the butcher knife and a tiny version of the [b]Golden Chainsaw of Damnation[/b]. Queen Asuka observes the plushies with amusement.
Ginny decides to take her quick shower now.[/color]
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[COLOR=orange]Duo sighs and starts to clean out the hot tub, much to the objections of Juu and Foredaddy.
Neil and Ken were running around the house being chased by demonic plushies while Liam was cooking a five corse meal in the kitchen Faris watches him go back and forth from one thing to another really fast taking in the aroma's of the nice smelling food.

DM: Are you cooking chicken? I like chicken, chicken is one thing I can't live with out...
[i]I'll make that a mental note[/i]
DM: *shudders* god no...

Ginny comes out of the shower her normal colour again. She walks into the entertainment room and watchs a cowboy bebop DVD's halway through the first session Queen Asuka walks in and joins her.
Ken and Neil had finally realised the plushies were no longer deamonized and came hurtling out of a broom colset.

Ken: that was close... I can't believe my Aeris tried to kill me!
Neil: Women are such fickle things bro.. *places a comforting hand on his sholder*[/COLOR]
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[color=deeppink] [size=1]Juu and Foredaddy sit by the hot tub, looking blankly at the tub that well, [i]was[/i] full of jello.

"*sniffles* It was all so beautiful.. That lime jello.." Foredaddy says, looking down at the empty tub.

"It tasted kinda funky though... I think Ken put something funky in theres...o_O"

Juu sighs, and walks inside. Foredaddy still loox at the empty tub. Just then, a lightbulb pops over his head as he walks over to ken, grinning.

"hey ken~ I was wonderin... Where'd ya get the jello powder?" He says, grinning innocently.

Juu walks into the kitchen, and looks at liam, who seems to be busily cooking something.. Juu sniffs the air, and peeks a lil more in the kitchen.

She looks at a small bowl, and suddenly feels.. dizzy?

"Pulease don't tell me that's jello. - -;;" Juu groans, leaning against the wall.

"Well if you want me to lie to you-"

"Is that... from-"

"The hot tub? Yes."

Juu nods and walks back towards the blue room, looking confused. She slips on a puddle of water, and falls back.

She looks down, to see she still hadn't dried her hair yet... - .-;;[/color] [/size]
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[color=crimson][size=1][i]Giving her plushie wand a rest, Asuka sits on the couch watching the Cowboy Bebop stuff. She doesn't usually watch this show, but since it's subbed, she's slightly amused. She holds her miniature James plushie under her arm. Duo looks at her oddly.[/i]

[b]Duo:[/b] Um, may I ask why you have a plushie of...James?

[b]Asuka:[/b][i] Looking down at her mini-James.[/i] You know, I really don't know. I just figured it was kind of cute and I have some sort of odd fetish of being able to control the uncontrollable, even if it IS just his mini plushiefied form.

[i]Duo looks away bewildered. Asuka smiles with satisfaction. The little plushie with the mini golden chainsaw comes and sits on the couch beside her.[/i]

[b]Asuka:[/b] I wonder what the swimming pool's looking like at night...

[i]She stands up and walks towards to door leading outside to the pool. Trailing behind her is a plushie of Ken. Duo falls off the couch.[/i][/color][/size]
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DM: You know what Asuka, I wouldn't know... I wouldn't mind swiming at night
Asuka: then why don't we all go swimming tonight?
Ginny: that's a good idea, but SHH! I'm watching this

Ken picked up his Aeris plushie and put her on his bed in the green room picking his bag up on the way and sitting it on his bed.
Foredaddy moved his stuff into the green room as well. Neil moved Neo's belonging from the double bed in the green room and layed down on it flipping through a magazine
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[color=crimson]Ken: I feel an odd disturbance in the force.. I feel a presence.. of which I havent felt since... *catches a glance of his plushie out of the corner of his eyes* Its. Its. Its... Me. o_o Wow. How did. Where did... o_O;;.... ....

Ken Plushie: *waves*

Ken: ...;[/color]
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[color=crimson][size=1][i]Asuka decides better than to head straight to the pool without her swimsuit, so she goes upstairs to her room to change. Her room is disturbingly done in all white. She wonders why all of a sudden she has a fetish with that color...

She laughs on the way up, though, as Ken sees the miniature plushie version of himself. Plushie Ken ran and clinged to Asuka's leg. The James plushie sat in her arms. [/i]

[b]Asuka:[/b] Aw, it's okay you guys, no one here's going to hurt you.

[i]She smiled at them. After changing, she headed back outside and sat at the side of the pool with her feet in, looking around at the dark area with only the pool lights to allow her to see.[/color][/size][/i]
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[color=crimson]Ginny continues to watch Cowboy Beebop. "Must...memorize...to show Shyguy...up...must watch...to understand...Shaun...OK, this isn't working."
Frustrated, Ginny turns the tv off and wanders back to her room. She lays her head on her pillows, hugging her Auron and Shaun plushies.
That's when she notices the Ginny plushie sitting on her head.
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[i]Neo sits down at the table with the others[/i]

Neo: Hey guys, you know i can turn into a Super Saiyan too?
Ginny: Really?
Neil: Go on then... show me...
Neo: Ok then...

[i]Neo sits up in his chair and begins to concentrate. He looks down to the ground as an Aurora builds around him. He flicks he head back up and the group sees his eyes go green.[/i]

Ken: Ohh... He's doing it....
Neil: Naa....

[i]Neo begins to shout and throws his head back as... ???Three spikes??? ...Shoot out of his head. Then his body swells and he turns completely green.[/i]

Neo: See i told you that i could go Super Saiyan..
Neil: Ha!
Neo: What?
Ginny: Neo... your a Cactus

*Falls over Anime style*
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Duo looks at Neo for a moment then runs into the blue room rumageing through her stuff she comes back out holding up a cactar plushie.

DM: Neo... its your twin! :D
Ginny: Duo, that's a plushie it isn't real
DM: Oh, no? look

The cactar plushie jumped out of Duo's hands and started doing the chicken dance.

Ginny: that's the most pathetic thing Rosey has done all day...
[i]Hey cut me some slack I've had to torture those guy's all day... and stop calling me Rosey!![/i]
LK: It's a pretty name for a pretty house
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Wait...we had chores? Ack! *Offers round Polos and starts singing the main chorus from Oklahoma*
Where the...Ah heck just look at me siggy...
What was my chores?
Hey Ginny can I have a go with the spatula?
I am so bad at mingling...
Ginny: You are really odd...
Duo: And you aren't?
Ginny: Of course. I'm just good at it.
Faris: And I'm not???
Ginny: HEHEHE! *Hides before Duo and Faris attack her*
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Craig walks out of the green room, embarrased after realising he was fighting with a cushion. He strols into the living room, and looks at Neil showing off his saiyan abilities. Neil looks at him, and gasps.

[B]Neil:[/B] Holy crud it's Yoda.

[B]Craig:[/B] What crap is it that you speak now hmm? Hey, why am I talking strange?

Craig walks over to the mirror, and sees a small green dude with bid ears staring back at him. A huge grin spreads across his face.

[B]Craig:[/B] Ah, dreams come true have mine hmm.

[B]Neil:[/B] Craig... most of your saiyan levels are stronger than that. You must be dullusional if you think that gives you any real strength.

Craig glares at Neil angrily.

[B]Craig:[/B] 800 years old am I, and yet still fúck you up, I can.

[B]Neil:[/B] We must kung-fu fight!

Craig and Neil charge at each other and start bashing each other with musical instruments.
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[color=blue]LK: *looks as SS Neil and Yoda Craig duke it out* This is better than Celebrity Boxing. But enough of this. I have to help Liam in a few, but for now, I have houses to torment.

[i]What exactly is that supposed to mean?[/i]

LK: [size=1]Zap me, will you? I'll show you what real wanton destruction is. Meh heh heh.[/size]

[i] I heard that.[/i]

LK: *grins evily* I know. *walks back to the Blue Room and closes the door to start her malicious plans*

[i]This won't end well.[/i][/color]
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[At that very moment, Neil's stereo stopped. Right in the middle of Mudshovel. Right. In. The. Middle.]

[b]Craig:[/b] Very bad, this is. Hmm.

[b]Ken:[/b] ****..*runs throughout the house* Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit!!!!

[b]Neil:[/b] ... :twitch: FLAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHH!!!!

[Deep inside the Big Brother House, a shadowed figure sat at a control panel, typing away at commands. Next to him, a similar figure stood next to him.]

[b]Little Brother:[/b] You DO realise once he gets out of this house, you're dead, right?

[b]Big Brother:[/b] Yeah. But I'm gona have fun with it before I get blown away seven ways to Tuesday...
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