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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i]
[B]Umm... well im not really infromed about this kinda of stuff so i hope no one is affened but what hetersexual? Umm... I also thought gays chose to be that way but that was what i was told... i dont hate them or anything... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Heterosexual is liking people of the opposite sex, so...I'm a girl and I like guys, thus, I am heterosexual.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i]
[B]Umm... well im not really infromed about this kinda of stuff so i hope no one is affened but what hetersexual? Umm... I also thought gays chose to be that way but that was what i was told... i dont hate them or anything... [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, heterosexual means that you are attracted to the opposite sex.

I think that it's quite obvious that people don't choose their sexuality. There are a few reasons for that.

One is the fact that, for those people who are heterosexual, do you actually decide to like the opposite sex? Of course not. You like the opposite sex because you were born that way.

The same is true for homosexuals/bisexuals. In my opinion, I don't care whether a couple is same sex or opposite sex. I mean, there are so many people out there committing crime and doing all kinds of bad things...but why punish people just because they're in love? Surely we should promote love rather than be against it.

It's really a bias that people are raised with. It's a shame...and it will change, just as racism is getting better, so too will other kinds of discrimination.

I commend people like Transtic and Gerbil for posting their sexuality in their sigs. Sure, it's not necessary, but I think that they are bold for doing it publically, especially with all the people who don't accept it.
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
as most of you know, I'm bisexual, and frankly I don't give a d@mn about what other people think about me, unless they start saying crap like "ewww, thats disgusting" and other crap like that, I don't understand why they do that as its not only rude, but often hurts the feelings of the person who they are saying it to, I've had people say that s.hit to me in the past, and believe me, it hurts when they say that to you, and its even worse when I'm walking down the street or whatever with my boyfriend, and see everyone just blatently staring at us because were doing something like holding hands, what the hell's wrong with that? just because were bisexual does not mean you should judge us otherwise, we are not sick, its just sexual preference, and there is nothing wrong with that, its not like its going to change your life, or that were going to feel strongly attracted to you or anything, because we are still normal human beings just like everyone else, we still do the same things as everyone else, like go shopping, and watch films at the cinema, and everything else, so why should we be judged otherwise?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i]
[B]Umm... well im not really infromed about this kinda of stuff so i hope no one is affened but what hetersexual? Umm... I also thought gays chose to be that way but that was what i was told... i dont hate them or anything... [/B][/QUOTE]

People already answered the Heterosexual question but I'll address the other thing. Alot of people think that Homosexuals chose the way they are. Ofcourse ALL those people are heterosexual. So how could they even possibly know? The answer is they can't. They assume because they are affraid. They don't want thier children growing up to become homosexual or bisexual or whatever. So they make up this excuse that we choose to be that way then they plant it in their childrens heads that they can't be that way because after all you have to choose... in reality, and take it from me. I'm bisexual, I DID NOT choose to be this way no matter what anyone says. And to the people that still think I chose to be this way.... HELLO? Are you me? No! So how do you know? You don't! So shut your mouth!..... ahem.... sorry, anger being released at no one in particular...... but anyway, the bottom line is, you don't choose your sexual prefrence.... it's natural, thus means it comes from nature, which means you were born with it. There's nothing more sickening than to hear a straight person try to tell me what I feel.... Do they think they are better than me.... haha.... thats why all the girls love us right? :) hehehe

And yes, Being bisexual is EXTREMELY confusing going through puberty..... probablty didn't help my cronic depression at the time.... but i got over the depression.... :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i]
[B]wow. i new homesexual ment arrtacted to the same and heterosexual meant attracted to the opposite, but bisexual is attracted to both? thats gotta be mentally and physically confusing when ur starting to go thru puberty. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Believe me, you will learn much as you get older...and some may find it strange that I would say that since I'm only 16 (soon 17) but I've been through a lot in my life, and it has taught me a whole shiz load of stuff that most people my age don't know about. I've matured a lot because of it. I don't use bad times in my life as excuses to be an angry person...I instead use them as oppurtunities to grow.[/color]
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nice avatar tn i like it there hot.O well i remember this sbject along time ago and it was just as interesting picking peoples minds then than it is now...O well and so everyone knows im bi and it was not a thing i acctually thought about it was just there.and thats jut the way it is...Tn has always been cool i came out to the boards about the sametime he did and he was very supportive...the difference was only that i have a girlfriend and he has a boyfriend and so he got reemed by the ignorant and i did not...
Oh yeah and i didn't put it in my sig
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B]I don't use bad times in my life as excuses to be an angry person...[/B][/QUOTE]

I do ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B]I'm not saying it's a bad thing...but may I ask why?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm very pessimistic.... probably bitter too.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i]
[B][COLOR=crimson]This whole topic is making me depressed for some odd reason...What was the first topic of this discussion anyways?[/COLOR] :cross: [/B][/QUOTE]
Sorry about the whole depressed thing. The main topic that we should try to get back to is sort of like what is your future spouse doing at this on this one day at this very age. *Smiles* :)
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